THE MALDIVES, July 07-15, 2025


The tradition of child business education has been laid ever since the inception of trade and industrial production in the 18-19 centuries. As a rule this knowledge was transferred from father to son within the family business. Secrets kept for seven locks and dedicated, often, were simply not available.

Even today we cannot find any analog of MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL as an integrated system of learning the basics of economics and business from young age to adulthood. This is the education that is necessary for every child!

This need is obvious.
In every family there are children!

And investment in children is the most important task of any parent! Especially today, when the secondary school does not fill all the requests of time. Secondary school is important - it gives a set of knowledge and forms a broad outlook of the child. But neither the secondary school nor the university do not teach a child to apply this knowledge into the practice. And this is the main demand of the modern times.

Today, when children graduate from schools they do not know their talents, they do not practice themselves in any professional field, and they do not know who they want to be. They have never taken a course on career counseling, psychology, business, and so they do not know where to do, what to do and how to achieve success. The spontaneous choice of university forms the irresponsible attitude to their own lives and dependency, often from "the hated occupation." As a result by the age of 30-40 people begin to suffer from lack of implementation, but they do not change the risks. Is it the goal of each person?

In modern world we face with economic and business education only at the level of universities and without a practical bias. But this business knowledge is needed to a person not only when one reaches 20 years, but in early age when a child grows up.

So it is no longer enough to be just intellectual!
Today we need to know how to become successful and happy!

Our mission is to create qualitatively new business elite of the countries.

Theory and practice of the business is important for the child to understand the adult life, for early career guidance, for the formation of character. Therefore MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL complex prepares each student for adult life by creating their talents and trying them in different areas of activity in front of the main choice of a career path.

That is why the advanced secondary school / high schools actively cooperate with MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL (as optional courses) in order to add to their curriculum practical modules in economics and business, psychology and career counseling.

Thus, regular schools and MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL form the modern educational consortia.

MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL innovative educational model is 15 years old, but we have begun selling franchises only from April 2015. By this time we have a lot af official representative offices and schools at the Great Britain, Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan. So today, the MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL actively developed, by opening branches in new countries. Our way to expand MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL brand is international format of franchises, standardized training and certification of teachers.

We clearly know that today OUR BUSINESS SCHOOLS ARE NECESSARY FOR EVERYONE, as in countries with developed economy (UK, USA, Canada, Germany, France, etc.), as in rapidly developing countries (China, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Poland, others), and in the countries that just start process of economic development (Spain, Greece, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Czech Republic, etc.). All countries need economic development! All countries need economic victories! All countries need a strong new generation of creators-entrepreneurs, new Steve Jobs and Elon Musk!

It gives not only purely monetary benefits as a successful business but carries a high social mission for the development of society.


Ken Robinson. Changing Education Paradigms


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